
Get to Know Us!

Amazing people, creating an amazing, high quality product at an amazing price. It’s amazing!



What We Do


Lodgix has been built to serve the growing vacation rental manager. We keep our staff, overhead and price points at a reasonable level which allow us to react quickly to industry changes. Our pricing is still published on our website and no setup fees or contracts are ever required. In all aspects of the platform we strive for transparency and simplicity.

While there are many competing products, Lodgix does not attempt to be all things to all people. Simplicity and ease-of-use are only possible when the software interfaces remain clean and free of one-off options that only appeal to a small set of customers.

Lodgix strives to build a great, quality product at an affordable price. Our customer service team is USA based and we utilize advanced ticketing software to assure your support requests are answered in a timely and efficient manner.



Who We Are

image is an economical, web-based platform for managing vacation rentals. We offer an industry leading, free 30-day, no credit card required trial period which includes free training. No setup fees. No contracts. No pushy sales people. At Lodgix you will find a high quality product at a reasonable price, serviced by friendly people who are dedicated to serving you!



Meet The Team


Brent Kleinheksel

Founder & CEO

Brent began work on Lodgix in 2008. Since then, Lodgix has grown to serve 750+ property managers representing over 40,000 vacation rentals. As the vacation rental market continues to grow and evolve, so too does Lodgix.

During his 10 year tenure as the owner of a small resort in Holland, Michigan, Brent came to know and respect the many challenges of managing and marketing vacation rentals. This experience directly led to the development and launch of in 2008.

Brent has his MBA from the University of Notre Dame and enjoys spending time with his wife and two daughters at their home in State Road, North Carolina. He is an avid Notre Dame football fan and loves to work outdoors, fish, play tennis and explore the many small communities in Western North Carolina.


Hugo Dias

Chief Technology Officer

Hugo is a technology veteran with extensive experience developing in multiple languages, frameworks and operating systems. Over the last 8+ years, he has been fully dedicated to all facets of Python / Django software development including architecture, design, implementation, deployment and maintenance.

Hugo has a degree in Computer Science from IPL University, specializing in computer languages and network protocols and has a strong interest in engineering and computer security.

Other interests include operating systems, electronics and almost anything related to information technology. Outside of work, he spends time with his wife, family and friends and enjoys hiking and fishing.


Denis Orehovsky

Senior Software Engineer

A detail-oriented and passionate software engineer with strong front-end and back-end experience. Denis has extensive technical experience in developing and maintaining Python based web applications using various frameworks and tools, with a focus on Django.

Denis has a degree in Electronics and Computer Science, specializing in the study of programming, electrical engineering, computers, and operating systems.

Other than programming, Denis enjoys boxing, going to the gym, and football.


Joseph Alvaro

Head of Customer Support & Onboarding

Joe is a talented technologist who is responsible for all Lodgix customer growth, support and education. He is an experienced entrepreneur and the past owner of JMA Web Consulting. Joe has spent countless hours developing the processes (and software) necessary to fuel the incredibly high customer satisfaction rates at Lodgix. For proof, check out many of our recent testimonials!

Joe lives in Massachusetts with his wife and five children. His free time is generally spent outside with his dog, watching or coaching his kids sports, and working out.


John Nixon

Senior WordPress Developer

John has a degree in Web Design Technology from ITT Tech and has been a web developer since 2012. In that time he has worked primarily in and around WordPress developing custom themes and plugins to meet the business needs of clients. As a WordPress developer John’s primary focus has been PHP, MySQL, and front end development.

When John is not developing sites he enjoys spending time outdoors with his family, going to racing events at any level, and volunteering in a number of areas at his church.


Bobby Wiles

Mobile Application Development and Business Strategy

Bobby has a keen interest in mobile application development. As the primary developer responsible for all Lodgix mobile applications, Bobby has proven to be an integral and valuable addition to the Lodgix team. Bobby also works extensively on a full range of projects that make use of his burgeoning knowledge of Vue, Django, Python, Ionic, Capacitor, Java, and Swift.

Bobby resides in North Carolina and earned a degree in Computer Science from Wake Forest University. Outside of his programming endeavors, Bobby preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ on local radio and at nearby Baptist churches. He also enjoys spending time with his family, hiking, and being outdoors.
